Box Brokers introduces display series designed by Larry Johnson for independent stores
I met with the staff at Box Brokers in Brea, California during the winter months and they decided to introduce a new line of displays that specifically work with the display principles I have championed for years. The initial inventory has been ordered and is due in their warehouse in June 2021. The stock inventory is designed to work with the 20-40-40 display strategy. It is all magnetic. It is available in 4 popular colors and fabrics from stock with immediate delivery. Before you buy new displays this year, take a look at the new line from Box Brokers and see if it makes sense for you.
Call Brandon or Dustin at 800-809-3868 for information.
You can also call me at 817-980-2135 for a free 30 minute consultation on the best way for you to improve your sales through better display.
CBG Virtual buying show January 2021
If you are a CBG member store and received one of my postcards….Welcome! I appreciate you taking time to check out my website. I have been in the display industry since joining Chippenhook as CEO in 1987.
I cannot grade diamonds or cast mountings but I am really good at displaying and selling yours.
Frankly the best idea is to send me some photos of your cases, your EDGE Inventory performance report by category for the last 365 days, and let’s set up a time to talk. I am happy to spend 30-60 minutes with you offering FREE suggestions. If you want me to come to your store and fix your issues, I charge $3450 for a 3 day visit. I do consult remotely as well. If you need new disploays, I can help you, design what you need, and order them at a discount from vendors I know will do a good job.
Call me at 817-980-2135 and let’s talk. Masks are not required.
Congratulations to Carters Jewel Chest, Mountain Home, AR
We want to give a shout-out to Beth, TC and Chris Carter for being recognized as Honorable Mention in the INSTORE magazine “Cool Stores” competition. Their store, designed by Jesse Balaity and with displays designed and provided by Larry Johnson Consulting Services is an incredible upgrade to their previous store and has been a great success. Thanks for allowing us to be part of your project!
LJCS now part of Continental Buying Group
As of mid June 2020, Larry Johnson Consulting is a vendor member of CBG. This affiliation affords CBG members to take advantage of LJCS services at a discount. We will also be participating in the planned October CBG gathering in Orlando.
If you are a member of all Larry @ 817-980-2135 for details on how we can help you reach your goals.
IJO Conference Colorado Springs
It now seems like years ago now, but in February 2020, we attended the Boots and Bling formal dinner at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. It was a celebratory night as we signed up a large number of new consulting clients at the show. This photo of my wife Alison and I me was taken there. The photo caption, as reproduced in INSTORE magazine was ” All hat, no cattle, plenty of bull!”
INSTORE Seminar on “Top 10 Mistakes…”
On June 1, I conducted a seminar for INSTORE entitled, “The top 10 display mistakes jewelers make when reopening their store.” This 1 hour seminar contains many observations and suggestions as well as “How to fix this….” for each mistake. Download the seminar below.
Great idea for under $100!….It’s “What’s new?”
Jewelry stores are vibrant, organic places. There is new merchandise coming in and going out almost everyday. The kiss of death for a retailer occurs when a customer perceives a store as having “Nothing new.”
You can avoid that perception by putting a sign near your entrance listing the “new” items that have arrived in your store. For about $100 you can implement this idea. Get the parts at any Staples or Office Max-type retailer. You’ll need a white dry-erase board , a floor easel and some markers. Make a list of pieces you have recently received. See the attached image for an example.
Hiont: When you sell a piece on the board, DO NOT erase it! Draw a line through the items listing. That way your customer will see the items are popular and selling. M<aybe they will ask if you can order another of the Sapphire rings they missed out on.